TMJ Implant

TMJ Implant

Product Features

Customization: Auxein’s TMJ implant is customized to fit the unique anatomical requirements of each patient. This personalized approach ensures an optimal fit and function.
Titanium Ramus Component: The Ramus component is crafted from high-quality titanium, known for its strength, durability, and biocompatibility. It provides robust support to the mandibular ramus.
UHMWPE Fossa Component: The Fossa component is made from UHMWPE, a biomaterial renowned for its low friction, excellent wear resistance, and biocompatibility. It allows for smooth and natural jaw movement.
Precision Engineering: Auxein employs state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques and computer-aided design (CAD) to create implants with exceptional precision and accuracy.
Surgical Versatility: The implant is suitable for various TMJ disorders, including arthritis, joint degeneration, and trauma, making it a versatile solution for patients with diverse needs.
Biocompatibility: Both titanium and UHMWPE are biocompatible materials, reducing the risk of allergic reactions or adverse tissue responses.
Longevity: The implant’s materials are chosen for their long-term durability, ensuring that patients can enjoy sustained relief and functionality.
Minimized Friction: The UHMWPE Fossa component minimizes friction between the joint surfaces, reducing wear and tear and potential discomfort. Condylar component is having mirror finishing, for minimizes the friction.
Enhanced Patient Comfort: Auxein’s commitment to customization and precision engineering aims to provide patients with improved comfort and function in their daily lives.

Intended Use

Auxein's Customized TMJ Implant is indicated for patients with a range of TMJ issues, including but not limited to:

Temporomandibular joint degeneration
Trauma-induced joint damage
Arthritis affecting the TMJ
Malocclusion due to TMJ dysfunction
Chronic jaw pain and discomfort

This implant offers a customized solution to improve joint function, alleviate pain, and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals suffering from TMJ disorders. It is best suited for cases where conservative treatments have proven ineffective, and surgical intervention is required.

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USFDA 5K Cleared

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