Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic Surgery

Product Features

Customization: Auxein’s orthognathic surgery solutions are tailored to each patient’s unique facial anatomy. This customization ensures precise correction and minimizes postoperative complications.
Lefort Osteotomy: Our Lefort osteotomy products enable surgeons to reposition the upper jaw, correcting issues such as underbites, overbites, and asymmetry.
Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy (BSSO): Auxein’s BSSO instruments and implants facilitate precise adjustments to the lower jaw, treating conditions like mandibular prognathism and retrognathism.
Cant Correction: Cant correction implants and tools aid in aligning the occlusal plane, improving aesthetics and function in cases of facial asymmetry.
Genioplasty: Auxein’s genioplasty solutions offer versatility in reshaping the chin, addressing concerns related to chin prominence or retrusion.
High-Quality Materials: We utilize biocompatible materials like titanium and medical-grade polymers to manufacture our surgical implants, ensuring long-term stability and patient safety.
Digital Planning: Cutting-edge software allows surgeons to plan procedures in 3D, enhancing surgical precision and predictability.
Minimally Invasive: Our instruments are designed for minimally invasive approaches, reducing surgical trauma and speeding up recovery.
Supportive Training: Auxein provides training and support to ensure surgeons are proficient in using our orthognathic surgery products effectively.

Intended Use

Malocclusions: Auxein's orthognathic solutions are ideal for correcting various types of malocclusions, including overbites, underbites, open bites, and crossbites.
Facial Asymmetry: Our products can effectively treat facial asymmetry, restoring balance and symmetry to the patient's face.
Jaw Abnormalities: Auxein's BSSO and Lefort osteotomy tools are indispensable in treating jaw abnormalities like prognathism (protruding jaw) and retrognathism (receding jaw).
Chin Augmentation/Reduction: Genioplasty solutions allow surgeons to enhance or reduce chin projection, improving overall facial aesthetics.
Orthognathic Surgery: Our comprehensive approach covers a wide range of orthognathic procedures, making Auxein the preferred choice for maxillofacial surgeons.
Post-Traumatic Reconstruction: Auxein's implants are suitable for post-traumatic facial reconstruction, restoring both form and function.

Auxein's customized orthognathic surgery solutions represent a commitment to innovation, precision, and patient satisfaction. With a focus on individualized treatment and advanced technology, Auxein empowers surgeons to achieve remarkable results in orthognathic surgery.

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