Mandible Implant

Mandible Implant

Product Features

Customization: Auxein’s implant is tailor-made for each patient, providing an accurate fit that enhances comfort and functionality.
Material Options:
Titanium: Known for its exceptional strength and biocompatibility, Titanium implants are durable and resist corrosion.
PEEK: PEEK implants are lightweight, radiolucent, and offer excellent biocompatibility, making them suitable for various clinical scenarios.
Precise Design: Our advanced manufacturing processes ensure precise design and construction, facilitating seamless integration with the patient’s existing anatomy.
Biocompatibility: Both Titanium and PEEK materials are biocompatible, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or adverse tissue responses.
Radiolucent (PEEK): PEEK implants do not interfere with X-rays, CT scans, or MRI imaging, allowing for accurate post-operative diagnostics.
Versatile Applications: Auxein’s mandible implants can be used for a wide range of indications, including traumatic injuries, congenital deformities, tumor resections, and corrective surgeries.
Ease of Placement: Surgeons benefit from the implant’s ease of placement, reducing surgical time and improving overall patient outcomes.

Intended Use

Auxein's Customized Mandible Implant is indicated for:

Traumatic Injuries: Repair and reconstruction of the mandible following accidents, fractures, or trauma.
Congenital Deformities: Correction of congenital jaw deformities to enhance facial aesthetics and function.
Tumor Resections: Post-tumor removal reconstruction to restore facial symmetry and functionality.
Corrective Surgeries: Surgical interventions to correct jaw misalignments and improve bite function.
Prosthetic Support: Providing support for dental prosthetics and implant-supported dentures.

Auxein's commitment to precision, quality, and patient well-being ensures that our Customized Mandible Implant is a trusted choice for oral and maxillofacial surgeons, delivering outstanding results for patients in need of mandibular reconstruction.

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